Thank You Card Ideas

I was subbing in my son’s first grade classroom today and a parent stopped in and asked if I had any thank you card ideas for her son’s upcoming birthday party…    I told her what I typically did and promised to post a picture or two so she could see an example…  For a birthday, I typically  take a picture of the entire birthday crew, create a card, and send that out as a thank you note.  I have the boys write a more personal message on the back of the card…  For other thank you cards, I have little note cards that I either have the boys draw pictures on or write notes on…  You can also just attach a group photo to your thank you card – that way the kids have a picture of all their friends !  My favorite kind of thank you card, is just an old fashioned make your own card!  No matter how you go about thanking someone, I think it’s an important virtue for our children to learn!  Thanks for the post idea Ms. Kristi!


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